
    IEnumerator Start () {
        WWW www = new WWW("http://myserver/myBundle.unity3d");
        yield return www;

        // Get the designated main asset and instantiate it.
isStreamedSceneAssetBundle    Return true if the AssetBundle is a streamed scene AssetBundle.
mainAsset    Main asset that was supplied when building the asset bundle (Read Only).

Public Functions

Contains    Check if an AssetBundle contains a specific object.
GetAllAssetNames    Return all asset names in the AssetBundle.
GetAllScenePaths    Return all the scene asset paths (paths to *.unity assets) in the AssetBundle.
LoadAllAssets    Loads all assets contained in the asset bundle that inherit from type.
LoadAllAssetsAsync    Loads all assets contained in the asset bundle asynchronously.
LoadAsset    Loads asset with name from the bundle.
LoadAssetAsync    Asynchronously loads asset with name from the bundle.
LoadAssetWithSubAssets    Loads asset and sub assets with name from the bundle.
LoadAssetWithSubAssetsAsync    Loads asset with sub assets with name from the bundle asynchronously.
Unload    Unloads all assets in the bundle.
        false 仅删除没有引用的资源
        true 不管bundle中的资源是否在引用,全部删除

Static Functions

LoadFromFile    Synchronously loads an AssetBundle from a file on disk. 必须有UncompressedAssetBundle
LoadFromFileAsync    Asynchronously loads an AssetBundle from a file on disk.
LoadFromMemory    Synchronously create an AssetBundle from a memory region.
LoadFromMemoryAsync    Asynchronously create an AssetBundle from a memory region.
